Monday, April 14, 2008

Annie Ray

From another profile assignment on Annie Ray, a local indie scene photographer with a great deal of talent, and a cutie to boot. She sets up a strobe and umbrella in front of grungy funky club walls and shoots photo-booth style photos of people at these events. The pictures end up hyper-realistic, with a great slightly overexposed quality, and she comes out of every night with many, many fabulous portraits. Did I mention she's a cute girl?
Andrea at Mohawk's
My own lady situation is more hilarious than anything. Oh ladies.
I've reached that point in the year-- let's be honest and call it SPRING-- where I'm slightly annoyed by every happy couple I see, hear, or think about. Sigh. Where are you, girls who dig me?
Jordan's Dance School
Annie's strobing inspired me a little... Jordan's a badass. You can tell from his shirt!


arne said...

Hi, I really like your blog and your pictures

Arne (from Norway)

heavyweather said...

Thank you for reading, Arne! I welcome your comments.

cheshire said...

i never saw you get that shot of annie that night but it's badass. you gonna assist her?

and who is that bamf smoking a clove? man, i have no idea.

brunomorlan said...

That's a very solid portrait! And I don't really know what we (the readers) were supposed to get from your paragraph explaining the picture, but let me just point out that the word cute came up twice. lol